Need testers for Eunhasu V0.5.62 Alpha version
We’ve prepared and uploaded V0.5.62 on our Alpha server. The V0.5.62 solves and improves playback problems when used Qobuz and etc with setting at 312Mhz or lower frequencies.
The V0.5.62 is the same as the V0.5.61 version, but in the V0.5.62, the update cycle of the Eunhasu Web gui start screen has been changed depending on the CPU frequency setting.
The basic update cycle is 5 seconds, if the CPU frequency is slow, this basic update cycle becomes loaded and causes the CPU to stop or the music to stop playing. However, in the V0.5.62, if the CPU frequency is slow, this update cycle is lengthened, and the update is automatically set not to be updated at the frequencies below 528 MHz.
Please test it at a low frequency and report if there seems any problems.
Version : V0.5.62
– Date : 06-02-2024
– Updated the system config page.
– No need to reboot after changing the system tune settings.
– Changed the setting item name from ‘CPU Latency tune’ to ‘System tune’.
– Added new system tune profiles.
—>latency-performance(original CPU Latency tune profile).
– Adjusted Eunhasu service process priority to be normal.
– Updated MPD config page.
—>Removed the buffer settings & set 100MB by default.
—>Removed the buffer before play & Period time.
—>Added & cached buffer size 1GB.
– Updated Eunhasu Web GUI home page reflash time per the CPU frequency.
—>5 secs : 960MHz =<, 7 secs : 912Mhz =<, 10 secs : 864MHz =<,
—>30 secs : 720MHz =<, 60 secs : 528MHz =<, No refresh : 528Mhz >
– Updated Eunhasu system service code.
– Set maximum installed kernel count to be 3 for x86_64, aarch64.
Also, when set to the low CPU frequency, it is recommended not using Eunhasu Web GUI.
Additionally, the V0.5.61 has a code that raised the priority when running each music playback app to improve music playback interruptions, but this was removed in the V0.5.62. This update only applies to those who have installed V0.5.61. After updating to V0.5.62, please uninstall and reinstall the app you want to use before using it to apply the change correctly.
Thank you.
Updated on 17th, June.
This is the review based on System tune settings of Eunhasu V0.5.62.
We have two systems, and Advanced devices are mainly tested with the settings below.
sMS-200ultra, tX-USBultra, sDP-1000EX, sPA-1000, sNH-10G x 2, sPS-500 x 4, , dCBL-CAT8M x 2, dCBL-CAT7u x 2, dCBL-CAT7e, iSO-CAT7 x3, sCLK-OCX10 x 2, dCBL-BNC50 x 5, mT-1000 x 2, pCBL-SS8 x 5, SOtM’ balanced inter cable proto type
And Magico M3 speaker
Player: Roon Ready on a sMS-200ultra, Roon Core on a Test PC.
sMS-200ultra system configuration :
Network DHCP, IPv6 protocol Enable, Link speed 1000BASE-T, Auto negotiation On, CPU frequency 312MHz, Logging Off.
And we’v reviewed by changing System tune with the settings.
We’ve used 4 music files, vocal, string, jazz, and symphony, stored on NAS.
The “No tune” setting is the default setting upto Eunhasu OS V0.5.x and is the sound that many people like as a standard.
By setting the CPU frequency to 312 MHz, you may be able to enjoy music at significantly higher levels than the previous version even with the “No tune” setting.
As you set the System tune, you can feel a significant improvement in all areas, and the differences between each setting are quite small.
The information below is our personal opinions, so please use it for reference only.
It may feel different depending on your system and the music you listen to.
– Hpc-compute: Sounds exciting, tense and progressive
– Latency performance: Sounds with greater softness, stability, elegance, and beauty
– Network latency: Sounds that provide comfort and easy
– Network throughput: Sounds very standard and east
– Throughput performance: Sound that combines strength, weight, and softness
The best way is of course that you set up and listen to it yourself and enjoy the music with the sound you like best.